Church Email Addresses

... using email effectively in your church

Once you've registered a domain name for your church you can start using it for email. This is great as it means you can have a memorable address that can stay consistent for years (rather than it changing whenever you change Internet Service Provider). For example you could have (in the UK you would probably have

Some email addresses are best set up by role or job function. e.g. is probably better than using the church secretary's name (e.g. If Sue moves on from the church office you won't need to try and tell all your contacts of the new address for the next secretary. Likewise for youth workers the address would be a good choice. The same is true for pastor@ priest@ vicar@ churchwarden@ minister@ treasurer@ etc. However, there is also a place for being personal and therefore key leaders who are likely to be around for a long time may wish to have addresses using their own names.

When you register a domain name with church123 we'll help you get all your email set up and explain how to either redirect email to your existing address or configure Outlook or similar to receive the mails.

Make sure you put your email address on all printed materials you send out from the church office and also on your church notice board (if you have one).

We recommend you read our hints on avoiding junk mail